Gonorrhoea is on the rise according to a recent Australian study that notes the biggest rise has been within the gay community and other men who have sex with men.
Importantly it’s vital to know that the high proportion of infections were found in either the throat or the anus. Unlike gonorrhoea in the penis with it’s obvious discharge, infection of the throat or anus can sometimes be missed. A Melbourne study that tested men who visited sex clubs found that 1 in 20 men were found to have infection in the throat or anus without any symptoms at all.
For this reason I highly recommend ensuring you get a complete sexual health screening that includes:
- A throat swab for gonorrhoea
- Anal swabs for gonorrhoea & chlamydia
- Urine test for chlamydia
- Bloods tests for HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis A, B & C
All sexually active gay men are recommended to have a sexual health check up every year, and more often if you have more than 5 sexual partners, pick up off the internet or attend sex venues.
To make life easier I’ve created a simple sexual health check fact sheet you can give to your GP or family doctor: Gay Male Sexual Health Check
Yours in great health.
Dr George
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