A 2020 TGA ruling has changed access to amyl products. While many adult stores are still offering “leather cleaner” or “poppers” for sale, a current crack down by customs means that importing will now need to comply with the new laws: Amyl can now only be legally imported when it’s accompanied with a prescription from a doctor.
This will likely result in Australian wholesalers no longer able to import and local supply to dry up.
The new TGA rules however do allow for a person to import for individual use , no more than a 90 day supply at a time, when recommended and prescribed by a doctor.
Not all brands of amyl can be brought into Australia.
Most amyl and alkyl nitrate products were scheduled as a prescription only medication from the 1st of February 2020.
As these products are not currently available from pharmacies in Australia you are able to legally import a 90 day supply under the personal importation scheme. You are still required to have a prescription from your doctor.
Isopropyl and n-isopropyl nitrites are no longer legal in Australia and can not be imported.
Amyl and alkyl nitrite products come in different chemical forms. This is why it’s important to check before ordering. The following chemicals can be imported to Australia with a legal prescription from an Australian doctor:
- Amyl nitrite products: amyl nitrite, isoamyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite, octyl nitrite
- Pentyl nitrite

A Video Guide To Complying With TGA Amyl Guidelines
The following is a video showing how to check your products you wish to import are complaint with the TGA. The site I recommend is Poppers & Aromas EU as the clearly mark their products with the chemicals they contain.
Products you can legally import into Australia with a prescription
Amyl Nitrite Products
Pentyl Nitrite Products
Don’t Forget You Will Need A Prescription
I understand that not all doctors are comfortable or knowledgeable about amyl and it’s use to help prevent anal trauma. For this reason I am happy to discuss your needs in a safe, non judgmental, LGBTI friendly consultation.
My office is in Melbourne Australia however I am able to offer care Australia wide via telehealth appointment.
To make an appointment please call Collins Street Medical Centre on: (03) 9654 6088
If you are an existing patient you can use the form below: