The Coronavirus epidemic has promoted the Australian goverment to now make telehealth appointments available through medicare.
This now means that phone or video appointments are available with Dr George from anywhere in Australia and if you have a medicare card you will be able to claim a rebate for the consultation. In many cases these appointments are able to be bulk billed with no out of pocket to you.
Video appointments can be easily done with most smart phones, computers and tablets. All you need for a telehealth appointment is access to a phone.
Appointments that can work well via telephone or video include:
- Weight management
- Anxiety and depression
- Sexuality issues
- Erectile dysfunction
- Premature ejaculation
- Sexually transmitted infection advice and testing that can be organised via the post
- PrEP appointments including STI testing and prescription
- HIV testing and care
- Amyl nitrite prescriptions
- Kink health questions
- Mental health care plans can be organised to enable access to psychology services
- Substance use issues
- Quitting smoking
- Travel advice and vaccination suggestions
- Some workcover issues including bullying, anxiety and depression
- Many medications can be reviewed and re-prescribed to patients known to our practice NB drugs of addiction will not be prescribed via telehealth
- Prescription renewals
- Sleep issues including snorning and sleep apnoea
- Some issues like rashes, some lumps, back pain and some medical issues can be reviwed via video consults.
Of course if Dr George feels that review face to face is important he can help with appointments in Melbourne or help you find a local physican close to where you live.
To book an appointment with George you simply need to phone Collins Street Medical Centre on (03) 9654 6088 or you can use the booking app below.