Today I was sad to see the news of a 22 year old tradesman who recently died of testicular cancer.
Dylan Butler died last Thursday, just over a year after being given the diagnosis.
His mother Jackie, 52, praised her son’s courage — but urged other young men who found suspect lumps to get them checked.
Mr Butler had a lump but only went to the doctor when he had backache, which he put down to work. But by then, the cancer had spread.
“I’d say to young men not to be afraid to speak out if they feel there is something wrong and to be persistent as early as possible,” she said. “Dylan went from testicular cancer to stage four so quickly, he really didn’t have a chance. Part of his personality was not to be a whinger. He just got on with life and work. I think that was a bit detrimental to him.
“Take the time to go to the doctor.”
Who Is At Risk Of Testicular Cancer?
Testicular cancer is the second biggest caner of men aged 18-40. Caught early testicular cancer has an excellent chance of cure, the key is to detect it early.
What Are The Signs Of Testicular Cancer?
- A lump or enlargement in either testicle.
- A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum.
- A dull ache in the abdomen or groin.
- A sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum.
- Pain or discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum.
- Enlargement or tenderness of the breasts.
- Back pain.
How Do You Check For Testicular Cancer
If you notice any changes be sure you see your doctor urgently.
Your doctor will take a careful history and examine your testicles. The standard tests GP’s will organize to define any problems in the testicles include blood tests as well as an ultrasound.
If your doctor has worries or concerns a referral to a urologist or cancer specialist will be made to organize treatment.
The Key Is To Know Your Nuts!
Every month, in the shower, examine your testicles:
- are they smooth?
- has there been any changes is size or shape?
- Is there any new lumps, teathering or pains?
If you notice any changes, get review asap!
Any questions? Happy to answer any you have, leave a comment in the box below.
Yours in good health,
Dr George
Related: Check out this interview with Tim a surviver of testicular cancer in Sydney Australia.
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