Hey there Guys?
Remember the Rip & Roll controversy from earlier this year? Just in case you missed it here is a recap:
Thankfully the campaign had been reinstated despite it being “the most complained about campaign” for the first half of 2011. As reported in the Star Observer:
The Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB) released the list last week, which revealed they’d received 275 complaints regarding the campaign.
The image of two men embracing while holding a condom was attacked by the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) and initially removed from bus shelters by advertising company Adshel, before public outcry saw them replaced.
The ASB did not reveal how many of the 275 complaints came from the ACL.
Thankfully the Australian Christian Lobby lead by Wendy Francis were the losers of this battle.
After a recent chat with the guys at Queensland Association of Health Communities (QHAC) they have been kind enough to donate 10 pairs of Rip & Roll undies to readers of The Healthy Bear.
To make it a bit more fun, the first ten people to comment where they would like to wear their Rip & Roll undies will be sent a pair courtesy of QHAC.
BTW have you checked out their facebook page? Click now and be sure to give them a bit of “like” love. Rip and Roll on Facebook
So guys, comment away and a free pair of sexy jocks will be on their way!
Yours in good health.
Dr George
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