Hey there Guys,
Currently in Melbourne we are just about to start on our annual bear fest “Southern Hibearnation“. Similar to many bear runs, there will be movies, pub nights and dance parties.
Every year Vic Bears has also created posters to help promote health. This year I was thrilled to be invited by the team at Vic Bears to participate, along with The Victorian AIDS Council, People Living With HIV/AIDS Victoria, my good mate Christopher Banks AKA Bipolar Bear and the fantastic photographic skills of “Bear Steve”.
Together we have launched 4 posters to help encourage healthy choices outside of the standard HIV messages frequently associated with gay events. I’m excited at how each poster complements each other and yet still stands on its own, with a clear message complete with actions and a fun “easter egg” video embedded into each poster.
Here is the poster series.
Safe Sex Choices

In this poster the idea of choices is highlighted. Safe sex is not just about HIV status, it’s about choices we can all participate in. We all have the ability to choose care and respect not only for ourselves but our brothers as well. “Life is too good, we don’t need to gamble with it.”

Research shows that depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses are much more common in the gay community.
In this poster we acknowledge this and my strong belief that no one should be left to suffer without support. If you have a friend you are concerned about, don’t be afraid to ask the question, “are you OK?”.
If you are concerned that you may be suffering I urge you to reach out for help. I hope that this poster may help increase the understanding of just how common depression is in our community.

When we are out and having a good time it can be easy to lose count of drinks or to accidentally mix substances that can lead to potential overdose. If a person loses consciousness it is a medical emergency and there is a very real risk of death. In this poster we hope to increase the idea that if someone is passed out we all have the ability to help save a life.

Life can be crazy at times. Simple changes such as eating well and 30 minutes of movement every day can halve the risk of heart attack and stroke no matter your current physical condition. We can all be healthy in all shapes and sizes.
Guys I’m really proud to have participated in this great series. I’ll put all images up on The Healthy Bear Facebook page. Please feel free to share this message of awesome health with your friends.
Yours in great health.
Dr George
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