Hey there Guys. Despite popular belief, thin does not equal healthy.
Today I came across an amazing video of Jennifer Livingston, a female news presenter, who had been the recipient of the following nasty email simply because the author felt her weight was promoting poor health to the viewers:
… Surely you don’t consider yourself a suitable example for this community’s young people, girls in particular. Obesity is one of the worst choices a person can make and one of the most dangerous habits to maintain. I leave you this note hoping that you’ll reconsider your responsibility as a local public personality to present and promote a healthy lifestyle.
This was Jennifer Livingston’s response. I love how she gets to the core of how the actions of the author was simply bullying and are not helpful at all.
Bullying people, telling people to lose weight so they can “look healthy” is never helpful. Thin does not equal healthy.
Sadly even within the medical fields there are many doctors who focus solely on weight rather then the many other aspects that allows a person to enjoy health. Believe it or not you can actually be bigger and healthy.
Yes there is a connection between joint wear and tear and weight. In men we know that having a bigger belly is associated with higher risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer. What is important to understand however is that the bigger belly is not the only risk factor.
Medicine needs to stop thinking weight loss is the only cure.
Thin does not equal healthy.
Excessive alcohol, smoking, lack of physical movement and lack of dietary fibre, these all contribute to diseases as well. So why do doctors immediately jump onto numbers on a scale as the only solution to the problem?
Just 30 minutes of physical movement makes a massive difference to health. Just this one simple daily action can decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke by more then 50%.
Eating 2 pieces of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables virtually eliminates the need for added supplements in the diet.
Taking 30 minutes a day to get out into the world and being with friends, family and our loved one increases mood, improves sleep and connection to the community. Take the time, grab your dog or even the neighbours dog and get out and explore your local area. Join a walking club. Ask your local pool if they have aqua aerobics classes. Stop thinking about exercise as punishment for being bigger and start thinking of it as a medicine, a healing time that supports your body and keeps it running efficiently.
Simply supplying great quality food, we can be sure our metabolic engine is being fed the high octane fuel to run efficiently.
As is brilliantly said at Association Of Size Diversity And Health website:
Basic Principles of Health At Every Size
1. Accepting and respecting the diversity of body shapes and sizes.
2. Recognizing that health and well-being are multi-dimensional and that they include
physical, social, spiritual, occupational, emotional, and intellectual aspects.
3. Promoting all aspects of health and well-being for people of all sizes.
4. Promoting eating in a manner which balances individual nutritional needs, hunger,
satiety, appetite, and pleasure.
5. Promoting individually appropriate, enjoyable, life-enhancing physical activity, rather
than exercise that is focused on a goal of weight loss.
Guys we need to get beyond weight. It’s not about numbers on a scale, it’s about supporting and nourishing our body. Just these simple actions on a regular basis and your health is guaranteed.
Sitting and stressing about fluctuations in weight is counter productive. You need to make sure you provide the right set of nutrition to your body so that it stays healthy. As you become in tune with your body you will understand and learn to read it’s signals. They are subtle but if you are listening they can be heard.
Yours in vibrant health.
Dr George Photo Cred: Oddee
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