Mephedrone AKA" Meow Meow" or "MCAT" has hit the press with release of a study that shows repeated use of the drug leads on impaired memory in rats. Mephedrone use has been proven to be problematic for many years however reseach is only now showing that this particular drug may have some permanent side effects. What Is Mephedrone? Mephedrone is a synthetic white powder that … [Read more...] about Mephedrone AKA Meow Meow May Damage Permanent Memory
Mental Health
Ex Gay Therapy Survivor Shares His Story
I knew that I was gay from an early age. I can still remember Mr Scott, my life saving teacher in grade six and my absolute fascination at the sexy triangle of fur that grew like a forrest from the top of his red speedo's. While my thoughts of sexuality had not yet formed, I certainly knew what I enjoyed looking at. Fortunate for me I was not brought up in a religious … [Read more...] about Ex Gay Therapy Survivor Shares His Story
Today in Australia we are asking people to take the time to stop and think about the mental health of our friends or work colleagues. Mental health issues are very common with one in six Australians likely to to suffer with an mental illness problem in their life. Today it's time to acknowledge this and to ask the question "are you ok?". R U OK day is an excellent … [Read more...] about R U OK?
Is Twitter The Perfect Cyber Bullying Tool?
Hey there Guys, today cyber bullying has hit the news again. I work up this morning to see that one of Australia's football stars, Robbie Farah, has been the victim of some particularly vile Twitter trolls. It appears that an anonymous tweeter had left a single message that was particularly nasty about his mother who had died in June this year. This is of course on the … [Read more...] about Is Twitter The Perfect Cyber Bullying Tool?
The Squeaky Wheel…
Hey there Guys, Today I am writing this post from my bed. Unfortunately I suffer with an inherited spinal condition that often leaves me with severe pain that has often left me wondering "what the fuck did I do to deserve this?". Please don't think I'm looking for sympathy, I'm good and now hooked up with a pain specialist but it took a lot of complaining to get that … [Read more...] about The Squeaky Wheel…